A Tale of Two State’s Turnouts

National Vote at Home Institute — Once upon a time, two states, with nearly identical demographics and similar high turnout political cultures, held the exact same election on the exact same day, with just one identical issue on their ballots.

That day was March 5, 2024, Super Tuesday, when voters in Minnesota and Colorado weighed in on the single question of who should be the Republican and Democratic nominees for U.S. President. In Minnesota, 17% of registered voters cast a ballot. In Colorado, 39% of registered voters did so.

What was the difference? In Minnesota, voters had to go to their assigned polling place, on or before Election Day, or apply in advance (though no excuse was required) for a mailed-out absentee ballot. In Colorado, all active registered voters automatically received their ballots, via the US Postal Service, several weeks before the election. Voters could then return their marked ballots by mail, or in person.

Both states have roughly 3.5 million registered voters, and pride themselves on high voter turnout in presidential and midterm general elections. Colorado ranked #7 in 2020 and #6 in 2022, while Minnesota ranked #1 and #3.

Both states have automatic voter registration, and allow voters to register to vote up through Election Day itself. And politically, both are purple, trending blue. Hilary Clinton won both states in 2016, but with less than 50% of the vote. In 2020, Biden beat Trump by 7% in Minnesota and 11% in Colorado.

Because its voters don’t register by party affiliation, Minnesota allowed 100% of its registered voters to participate in the March 5 presidential contest. Although Colorado is a party registration state, 98% of its voters could still participate, as the state’s 1.6 million non-affiliated voters are mailed both parties’ ballots, though they can only vote one.

If anything, Minnesota’s demographics are even more voter turnout-friendly than Colorado’s. Minnesota is a tad older – its median age in the 2020 census was 38.5, compared to Colorado’s 37.3.  Minnesota’s “white alone non-Latino” population was 75.9% according to the most recent (2022) Census estimate, while in far more diverse Colorado, it was 64.8%.

When academic researchers attempt to measure the impact of a particular election policy on voter turnout, they typically need to control for these and other key variables, not to mention the multiple races being voted on during that single election. It’s an enterprise inherently fraught with many assumptions, whose various weightings and regression coefficients are indecipherable to most non-academics.

Such research is thus easy to downplay or even dismiss, especially different studies that seem to reach opposite conclusions. That is why real-world, “natural experiments” like this one– again, identical elections, held on the same day, with the same, singular question for both states’ voters – can bring so much more clarity.

So far, Colorado’s more-than-double turnout trouncing of Minnesota has largely been ignored by journalists, political analysts, and democracy reform advocates. Perhaps the difference is so astonishingly large that people simply don’t believe it.

But it’s worth noting that on March 5, five other Super Tuesday states couldn’t crack even the 20% turnout mark, either (Tennessee, Oklahoma, Virginia, Maine, and Texas), while  Washington state, which also automatically mails all active registered voters their ballots, turned out at 35%.

Coincidence? We don’t think so. And it’s long past time for those who lament the abysmal state of America’s “spectator sport” democracy to pay far more attention to the single most powerful way to address it – by automatically sending a ballot to every active registered voter, every time.

What’s Missing in the Primaries? The Voters

National Vote at Home Institute — Now that more than 40 states have held a 2024 primary election, the evidence continues to reveal what is arguably the single most effective way to boost voter turnout and help revitalize America’s anemic democracy. Let’s automatically deliver ballots to all voters, before every important election. Need evidence? Here’s just three of the most compelling proof points from this year’s exercises: the states of Colorado and Montana, and Garden County, Nebraska.

First up, Colorado. This year’s Super Tuesday featured 10 states with the same singular and identical question on their ballots: who should be the Republican and Democratic party nominees for president? Turnout of active registered voters in 9 of the states ranged from 28% in Vermont through 21% in Alabama and Arkansas down to 17% in Tennessee and Minnesota. But only one Super Tuesday state is a Vote at Home state, where all active registered Democrats, Republicans, and non-affiliated voters were automatically mailed out their ballots – Colorado, and there, turnout was nearly 39%

Most striking is the contrast with Minnesota. Both states pride themselves on high general election turnout, and both have similar “pro-voter” laws like same day voter registration and automatic voter registration. And if anything, Minnesota has the edge with two key demographic factors associated with higher turnout: more older and white voters. Despite all that, Colorado more than doubled Minnesota’s turnout, at 39% to 17%. 

Next up is western Nebraska’s Garden County, population 1,874. On May 14, Nebraska held its regular statewide primary, giving voters a chance to weigh in on a wide range of federal, state, and local races. Statewide, registered voter turnout was just 28%. But Nebraska allows counties with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants to skip polling places and Vote at Home instead. Garden County, which has been taking that option for years, had the truly remarkable turnout of 62% of their 1,318 active registered voters, all of whom had been automatically delivered a ballot. 

And just in case you think that Garden County’s rural, small town demographics were responsible for their citizens’ remarkable performance, compare them to the five adjacent counties, also largely rural, whose voters instead had to travel to their pre-assigned polling places:  Keith (41%); Arthur (32%); Sheridan (31%); Grant (30%) and Deuel (21%).

Now for our third and final stop: Montana. Montana isn’t a true “Vote at Home” jurisdiction like Colorado or Garden county, since not every active registered voter is automatically mailed a ballot as a matter of law. But for several decades, this mostly red state has allowed its voters to sign up once to automatically Vote at Home for every election, and over 87% have taken the opportunity.  

For its June 4th primary, Montana counted more than 270,000 returned mail ballots – which constituted nearly 90% of the total votes cast. With 593,000 active registered voters,this puts Montana’s active registered voter turnout at a remarkable 51%. 

Might such dramatic demonstrations of the power of mail ballots cause a cooling of the contentious, highly partisan debates still swirling about voting at home, given that politicians of both major parties always claim to support greater voter participation? Well, probably not. But if we want to know the answer to the question of whether there’s a proven, simple way to engage more Americans, of all ages and political persuasions, to participate in their democracy, it’s clear. 

Send them a ballot.